Allan “Buck” McLEOD — Charlottetown

Allan “Buck” McLEOD — Charlottetown

The death oc­curred peace­fully at his late res­i­dence on Sun­day, Oc­to­ber 22,  2023, of Allan “Buck” McLeod of  Char­lot­te­town, age 87 years. De­voted  hus­band  of  the late Char­lotte (MacEach­ern) McLeod. Lov­ing fa­ther of Lynne (Craig Tay­lor) and Tim (Melissa). Grampie of Char­lie, Angus, and Katie. Sur­vived by sib­lings-in-law, Nan (John) Thomp­son, Paul (Judy), Antje, Claudette, and Eve­lyn MacEach­ern. Pre­de­ceased by his par­ents, Wil­fred and Flo­rence (McK­endrick) McLeod; sis­ter,  Phyl­lis (Bill) Bent­ley; brother, Don (Shirley); and sib­lings-in-law, Gor­don, Jud, Kay (Shirley), Reigh, Ena (Gor­don) and Dawn (Gary). Allan was de­voted to Char­lotte for 61 years of mar­riage. His de­vo­tion ex­tended to his chil­dren and grand­chil­dren,  friends, fam­ily, his work and other en­deav­ors. So many trea­sured mem­o­ries of his hos­pi­tal­ity, en­ergy, and love of life. He was an in­spi­ra­tion to all, young and old, and had such an im­pact on so many. He was very in­volved in Ro­tary, par­tic­u­larly the ex­change stu­dent pro­gram, and his other pas­sions in­cluded har­ness rac­ing, fish­ing, and all things PEI. He was al­ways avail­able to talk and lis­ten, and his wis­dom, ad­vice, and hard work were seem­ingly end­less. Grampie was adored and ad­mired by his grand­chil­dren, Char­lie, Angus, and Katie, and he had un­lim­ited time and en­ergy for them-en­joy­ing time when they were in PEI, fun at the beach, trips to see the horses at the race track, and en­joy­ing lots of ice cream. He was in­ter­ested in every­thing that was going on-from school to friend­ships; base­ball to ski­ing, bas­ket­ball to High­land danc­ing. He shared lots of sto­ries, laughs, and ex­pe­ri­ence in life. It is con­sid­ered a suc­cess if you have lived well, laughed often, and loved much; earned the re­spect of oth­ers and the love of chil­dren; leave the world bet­ter than you found it; looked for the best in oth­ers and al­ways gave your best. This was Allan McLeod. Rest­ing at MacLean Fu­neral Home Swan Chapel. Funeral service Sunday, October 29,  at 2 p.m. from the Kirk of St. James. In­ter­ment in Appin Road Ceme­tery. If so de­sired,  memo­r­ial do­na­tions may be made di­rectly to Heart and Stroke Foun­da­tion. Fam­ily flow­ers only. Vis­it­ing hours Sat­ur­day, Oc­to­ber 28, from 2-5 p.m. at MacLean Fu­neral Home. On­line con­do­lences may be made at: www.​macleanfh.​com