André BÉGIN — Saint-André-d'Argenteuil

André BÉGIN — Saint-André-d'Argenteuil

It is with deep sad­ness that we an­nounce the pass­ing of André Bégin, on De­cem­ber 15, 2023, at the age of 85, in Puerto Val­larta, Mex­ico. A Mass was cel­e­brated fol­lowed by a re­cep­tion on De­cem­ber 17 in Ix­tapa, Jalisco, Mex­ico, in  the pres­ence of fam­ily and friends. André left an en­dur­ing legacy in the pro­fes­sional world as Vice-Pres­i­dent In­ter­na­tional at CGI and Pro­ject Man­ager at DMR. His com­mit­ment and ded­i­ca­tion in­spired all those who had the priv­i­lege of work­ing with him. André was an avid trav­eler, whose work led him to live in and dis­cover many coun­tries, from Uruguay to Mex­ico, Brazil to Eng­land, Aus­tralia  to  Bangkok,  as  well as the Cana­dian Mar­itime provinces from Prince Ed­ward Is­land to New  Brunswick and Nova Sco­tia. His ex­pe­ri­ences have en­riched his life and have brought last­ing mem­o­ries to Suzanne, his com­pan­ion in life and travel, who has shared these won­der­ful ad­ven­tures with him. Be­yond his pro­fes­sional achieve­ments, André was a kind, gen­er­ous man with a big heart.  He  is  sur­vived  by  the  love  of  his  life,  his  wife, Suzanne  Gau­mond; his son, Bernard Bégin (Sylvie Ouel­let); his two grand­daugh­ters, Eléonore and Félicia. He   is   also  sur­vived  by his wife's chil­dren, Nathalie Gi­rardin-Zepeda (Mar­tin  Viorato  Zepeda)  and her sons Hermès, Xaman and Maïko, and Pas­cale Gi­rardin and her son Wolfe, who shared pre­cious mo­ments with him and wit­nessed his warm and lov­ing pres­ence. The loss of André Bégin leaves us with a deep sad­ness, but his mem­o­ries and legacy will re­main  etched in our hearts. We ho­n­our an ex­cep­tional man who left an un­de­ni­able im­print on those who  had  the  good  for­tune to know him. Do­na­tions: CUSM Heart In­sti­tute, Mon­treal QC.