Mary Margaret MCGUIRK — Charlottetown

Mary Margaret MCGUIRK — Charlottetown

Peace­fully and sur­rounded by her lov­ing fam­ily at the Whis­per­wood Villa on Wednes­day, Feb­ru­ary 21, 2024 the death oc­curred of Mary Mar­garet McGuirk (Smith) of Char­lot­te­town, for­merly of Strat­ford, age 86. Beloved wife of Gor­don Joseph McGuirk. Lov­ing mother of Brenda McKenna (Ed), Kevin (Lynn), Allan (Anne), Jo-Anne O’Con­nor (Mike) and Dar­lene McGuirk and mother-in-law of Joan McGuirk. Cher­ished grand­mother of Randy, Amy, Jen­nifer, Emily, Scott, Brit­tany, Kyle, Kait­lyn, Tyler, Tay­lor-Anne and Evan. Great-grand­mother of 8 great-grand­chil­dren. Mary will be re­mem­bered with love and missed by her sis­ter Mar­lene (Fen­ton). Fondly re­mem­bered by nu­mer­ous nieces and nephews. Pre­de­ceased by her par­ents Linus and Mary (Power) Smith, son Wayne McGuirk and sib­lings John Smith (Gladys), Ger­ald Smith (Betty). Rest­ing at Hills­boro Fu­neral Home from where vis­it­ing hours will be held Sun­day, Feb­ru­ary 25th, from 3-5 p.m. A Fu­neral Mass will be cel­e­brated on Mon­day at 10:30 a.m. from Our Lady of the As­sump­tion Church, Strat­ford. In­ter­ment will take place later at the parish ceme­tery. Memo­r­ial do­na­tions may be made on­line to Cana­dian Di­a­betes As­so­ci­a­tion or the Heart and Stroke Foun­da­tion. www.​hillsborofh.​ca Mary's family shares their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the Whisperwood staff for their kind and thoughtful care.