Renowned Island artist, Daphne Irving passed away peacefully at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. She was the daughter of Keith and Mary (Gilroy) Butler. She is survived by her husband of 68 years, Ron Irving; her brother Dr. Eric Butler (Suzanne); her children Keith (Katherine), Martha (Anthony), and Anne Mack (Stephen); and six grandchildren: Madelaine Higgins; Simon Irving; Ellen, Nathanael, Thomas, and Laurel Mack. Resting at MacLean Funeral Home Swan Chapel. Funeral Monday from West River United Church, Cornwall at 2:00 p.m. For those wishing to attend virtually, the service will be live-streamed on the church’s YouTube channel. Interment to follow in the church cemetery. A time of fellowship will be held following the service in the church hall. If so desired, memorial donations may be made directly to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Foundation or a charity of choice. Online condolences may be made at: