Marie LYON — Summerside

Marie LYON — Summerside

Lyon, Marie Our favourite person has gone home to the Ancestors. Truly loved by so many, Marie was a lovely, creative woman. Fiercely loyal, very supportive and encouraging, she made new friends everywhere she went. Born to Alfred (Fred) Arsenault and Elizabeth (Lizzie) Desroches Arsenault in Urbainville, PEI, her childhood memories were quite ideal. She had two siblings from her father's first marriage, Ted and Laurina, who were quite a bit older than she was, so she was raised essentially as an only child. Growing up on a farm allowed her imagination to flourish as she played with the animals (both live and stuffed) and her beloved dolls. She loved to play teacher with the dolls and thought she might look good as a nun. In 1950 she fell in love and married an Air Force navigator pilot who was stationed at Slemon Park. Noel and Marie were married for 74 years, with a life full of family, travel and adventure. They have four grown children, six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Our cats have always been an integral part of our family. Marie loved her family so much, she was a loving, supportive wife, a truly great mother to four bratty kids who she raised into decent adults. Her children are David Lyon (Erin Becker), Kim Lyon, Bruce Lyon (Kerstin Wasson) and Renee aka "Tesa" Lyon. She was the hub of her family, and we cherish all we learned and received from her. They lived in many different places and made friends wherever they landed. In Vancouver in the 60's they joined the Gourmet Club at UBC, and our meals expanded into international cuisine. They spent 1963 – 1964 in New Haven, Connecticut while Noel studied at Yale. Living in cities like Vancouver, Montreal, Kingston and Saskatoon before coming to spend their golden years back on the island where she was born. Artistic and creative, her favourite thing was to support and encourage people of all ages to use and explore their creative drive. She would show up at someone's house with the gift of art supplies, a great book, or an offer to show them how to work with a different medium. Fearless in her willingness to try something new, she went to Art School at Queen's in her mid-fifties, then took all kinds of workshops including a trip to Italy for a college workshop and belonged to several art groups over the years. In her 60's, she decided to spend a winter in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. She loved it so much that she ended up spending five winters in the wonderful place. The colors, music and joy she found in Mexico sustained her for years. Marie loved to daydream and ideate, inspiration came, and she created so many very beautiful and original works of art. Being genuinely friendly and interested in people, she had the ability to instantly engage with others. She had many, many friends. In lieu of flowers, her wish would be for donations to be made to PCH, in gratitude for all they have done. While her last few days were spent in the hospital, she was treated with such kindness, compassion and grace, for which we are truly grateful.